ELT: The Secret to Cellulite Reduction, Reduced Inflammation and Healthy Skin

Discover the secret to reducing cellulite, inflammation, and achieving healthy skin. Explore effective treatment methods to reduce the appearance of cellulite.

The pursuit of cellulite reduction has led to a vast array of treatments, from spa treatments and massage to more invasive options like plastic surgery. Yet, the pathophysiology of cellulite, with its complex interplay of fat, connective tissue, and the lymphatic system, demands an approach that addresses not just the symptom but the underlying causes. Among the myriad of treatment methods, Electro Lymphatic Therapy (ELT) has emerged as an effective therapy that can improve the appearance of their cellulite and enhance overall skin health without the need for invasive procedures.

Cellulite's stubborn, dimpled appearance can affect anyone, regardless of size, shape, or lifestyle, pointing to the need for a deeper understanding of its development and the factors that contribute to its severity. Traditional methods like massage, suction, and light therapy have offered some relief, but often fail to provide lasting results, leaving many in a cycle of continuous search for a more effective treatment. Electro Lymphatic Therapy (ELT) offers a refreshing approach by targeting the lymphatic system, a critical player in the body's natural detoxification process, thereby addressing the issue from the inside out. This comprehensive guide delves into the world of ELT, exploring how it stands apart in the treatment of cellulite, the benefits it offers for skin health, and its role in holistic healing.

Understanding ELT and Its Role in Wellness

ELT stands for Electro Lymphatic Therapy, a non-invasive, gentle technique that aims to stimulate your lymphatic system, encouraging it to work more efficiently and may reduce the appearance of cellulite. Imagine your lymphatic system as the body's waste disposal service, it's responsible for removing toxins, excess fluids, and waste from your body's tissues. However, just like any system, it can get clogged or sluggish, especially after surgical procedures like liposuction for example. See our article on liposuction recovery here.

That's where ELT comes in—it essentially helps to 'unclog' this system, using a combination of vibration, light, and electrical impulses to stimulate the flow of lymph through the body.

But why is this so important? Well, a well-functioning lymphatic system is crucial for not just your lymphatic health, it plays a pivotal role in your body's ability to heal, to fight off infections, and to maintain a balanced fluid level. It's also key to reducing swelling and inflammation—two common post-surgery companions that many wish to bid farewell as swiftly as possible.

The Impact of ELT on Cellulite Reduction

When it comes to cellulite, it seems like everyone has a theory, a treatment, or a cure. The appearance of cellulite—those pesky, dimpled areas commonly found on the thighs and buttocks—have led countless individuals down a rabbit hole of treatments. From creams to massages and laser treatments, the quest to reduce cellulite is a journey that few find satisfying conclusions to. 

Why Traditional Cellulite Treatments Often Fail

It's important to start with a bit of truth-telling: much of the frustration around cellulite treatment stems from misunderstandings about what cellulite is and why it forms. Contrary to common belief, cellulite isn't just about fat. It involves the connective tissue beneath the skin, which, when strained, allows fat cells to push up against the skin while the tougher cords pull down. This creates the uneven surface or the 'dimpled' appearance we associate with cellulite.

Many traditional treatments—think creams, massages, or even laser treatments—target the surface level. They might temporarily improve the appearance of cellulite by causing the skin to swell or become inflamed, reducing the visibility of dimples, but they rarely address the underlying issue: the health of the lymphatic system and the connective tissue beneath the skin.

Cellulite creams, for example, often contain caffeine or similar agents meant to dehydrate fat cells, making cellulite less noticeable for a short period. Laser treatments, meanwhile, may aim to disrupt fat cells or stimulate collagen production, hoping to provide a more 'smoothed-out' appearance. Yet, these methods do not effectively tackle the lymphatic stagnation that can contribute significantly to cellulite's formation and persistence.

ELT's Approach to Treating Cellulite

This is where Electro Lymphatic Therapy shines. By focusing on the lymphatic system—specifically, on improving lymphatic drainage—ELT addresses one of the root causes of cellulite. The technique uses gentle, non-invasive methods to stimulate the lymph nodes and encourage the movement of lymph fluid. This movement helps to flush out toxins, excess water, and waste from the body, including the areas affected by cellulite.

See the difference between electro and manual lymph drainage here.

When the lymphatic system functions optimally, there's less fluid buildup in the connective tissue, reducing the pressure that can push fat cells up against the skin. Additionally, by enhancing the removal of waste and toxins, ELT can improve overall skin health, making it appear firmer and more toned. This can lead to a significant reduction in the appearance of cellulite.

Moreover, because ELT helps to reduce inflammation and promote better circulation, it can also improve the health of the skin in a way that many cosmetic treatments cannot. Improved circulation brings more oxygen and nutrients to skin cells, promoting healing and rejuvenation. This can result in not just less visible cellulite but healthier, more vibrant skin overall.

From our experience, the commitment to a series of ELT sessions can lead to remarkable improvements in the appearance of cellulite. Clients often report not just a reduction in cellulite, but an overall enhancement in their skin's health and their body's sense of well-being. 

Are you tired of the endless search for a solution to improve the appearance of cellulite? Do you want to get rid of the dimpled cellulite look that affects your confidence? If you're seeking an effective treatment session that may reduce the amount of cellulite and significantly improve cellulite appearance, then it's time to explore Electro Lymphatic Therapy (ELT).

ELT has been used to treat cellulite with notable success, offering a non-invasive option that not only targets the effect on cellulite but also promotes overall lymphatic health. Whether it's your first time addressing cellulite using ELT or you've tried other methods with little to no success, a single treatment session can open the door to seeing real, tangible improvements in how your skin looks and feels.

Don't let cellulite dictate your comfort and confidence any longer. Take the first step towards reducing the appearance of cellulite by booking your treatment session with us today. Together, we'll work towards achieving the smoother, firmer skin you desire, using a proven approach that not only aims to get cellulite under control but also enhances your overall well-being. 

A Closer Look at Cellulite Treatment Options

Navigating the world of cellulite treatment options can feel like walking through a maze with no clear exit. From creams and massages to high-tech solutions like laser therapy and acoustic wave therapy, the choices are vast and varied. Let's demystify some of these options, understanding their mechanisms, benefits, and limitations, and explore why Electro Lymphatic Therapy (ELT) emerges as a preferred choice for many seeking not just cellulite reduction but overall well-being.

Laser Therapy and Acoustic Wave Therapy

Laser therapy for cellulite employs laser energy to break down fat cells and stimulate collagen production in the skin. This dual approach aims to reduce the appearance of cellulite by making the skin thicker and more elastic, thus diminishing the visibility of the fat cells beneath. It's a sophisticated treatment that can show results over a series of sessions, with some patients observing improvements in skin texture and firmness. However, it's essential to note that the effectiveness can vary from person to person, and maintenance treatments may be required to sustain the results.

Acoustic wave therapy, on the other hand, uses sound waves to stimulate the connective tissue beneath the skin, enhancing blood flow and encouraging lymphatic drainage. This method targets the structural causes of cellulite, aiming to strengthen the skin and make cellulite less noticeable. While many find this treatment beneficial, especially in reducing thigh cellulite, it often requires multiple sessions to see significant changes, and like laser therapy, results can vary widely among individuals.

While these treatments offer promising results for some, they come with their set of considerations. The cost, the number of sessions needed, the potential for discomfort during and after treatment, and the variability in outcomes are factors that many need to weigh.

Why ELT is a Preferred Method for Many of Our Clients

In contrast, ELT stands out for its gentle, non-invasive approach to addressing not just the symptoms but the underlying causes of cellulite. By focusing on enhancing lymphatic drainage and reducing inflammation, ELT helps to cleanse the body, reducing the fluid retention and toxins that can exacerbate cellulite's appearance. This method not only contributes to a visible reduction in cellulite but also promotes overall health and vitality.

One of the key reasons ELT is favored by our clients is its holistic approach. Unlike treatments that target only the physical aspects of cellulite, ELT supports the body's natural healing processes, offering benefits that extend beyond cosmetic improvements. Clients often report feeling lighter, more energized, and seeing an overall improvement in their skin's health and appearance.

Beyond Cellulite: ELT's Benefits for Skin Health

While ELT has shown remarkable results in cellulite reduction, its benefits don't stop at smoothing out dimples. This versatile therapy offers a boon to skin health, tackling issues from pigmentation to wrinkles. 


Pigmentation issues like dark spots and uneven skin tone can be the bane of a bright, clear complexion. Factors such as sun exposure, hormonal changes, and environmental stressors contribute to these concerns, leaving many of us searching for solutions. ELT comes into play by promoting better lymphatic drainage, which in turn can help in the reduction of pigmentation.

How? By improving the removal of toxins and reducing inflammation, ELT supports the body's natural healing processes, which can help in evening out skin tone and reducing the appearance of dark spots. It's like giving your skin a fresh canvas, slowly clearing away the marks that time and the environment have left behind.


Inflammation is often the skin's SOS signal, indicating irritation, sensitivity, or an underlying condition like acne or rosacea. Chronic inflammation can lead to a breakdown of collagen and elastin, speeding up the aging process and contributing to a host of skin issues.

ELT's role in reducing inflammation is a game-changer. By enhancing lymphatic flow, ELT helps swiftly remove the inflammatory byproducts from the skin's vicinity. This not only calms the visible signs of inflammation (think redness, puffiness, and breakouts) but also aids in preventing the long-term damage inflammation can inflict on the skin's structure and appearance.


Acne can be a relentless challenge, influenced by factors such as hormones, diet, and stress. The buildup of toxins and poor lymphatic circulation can exacerbate this condition, leading to more frequent and severe breakouts. ELT's detoxifying effect can be particularly beneficial for acne-prone skin.

By fostering better lymphatic flow, ELT aids in clearing the congestion of toxins that can clog pores and inflame the skin and may help reduce acne and make your skin look glowing and healthy. This not only helps in reducing current acne but also contributes to preventing future breakouts. It's a gentle, yet effective approach to supporting the skin's natural ability to heal and maintain balance.

Wrinkles and Fine Lines

As we age, the fight against wrinkles and fine lines becomes a focal point of our skincare efforts. While no treatment can stop the aging process, ELT can play a crucial role in minimizing its visible signs. Improved lymphatic circulation contributes to better hydration, nutrition, and oxygenation of the skin. This enhanced environment supports the skin's regenerative processes, helping to maintain its elasticity and firmness. Moreover, by reducing the accumulation of toxins, ELT helps to prevent the oxidative stress that can accelerate aging, thus softening the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. It's a way to support your skin's natural resilience, promoting a more youthful, radiant complexion.

Tips from Professionals: Maximizing Your ELT Results

Considering Electro Lymphatic Therapy (ELT) is a step towards embracing your health and well-being holistically. To get the most out of your ELT sessions, there are practices and lifestyle adjustments you can adopt to enhance the outcomes and support your body's natural lymphatic flow. Here's some expert advice straight from our clinic to you, covering what you can do before and after your ELT sessions and lifestyle tips to keep your lymphatic system humming.

Before and After ELT

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate: Drinking plenty of water before and after your ELT sessions is crucial. Hydration supports the lymphatic system by helping to keep the lymph fluid moving. Think of water as the vehicle that helps transport toxins out of your body. Aim for at least 8 glasses of water a day, and consider adding lemon or lime for an extra detoxifying effect.

Mindful Eating: Prioritize foods that are known to support lymphatic health and detoxification. Fruits and vegetables high in antioxidants, leafy greens, and healthy fats all contribute to a lymph-friendly diet. On the day of your session, try to eat light meals that are easy to digest, focusing on whole, unprocessed foods.

Gentle Movement: Engaging in gentle, low-impact exercises before and after your session, like walking or yoga, can stimulate lymph flow and complement the effects of ELT. Movement is like a massage for your lymphatic system, so keep it moving to maximize the benefits of your therapy.

Avoid Toxins: Limit exposure to toxins and pollutants where possible. This means cutting down on processed foods, alcohol, and tobacco, and choosing natural beauty and household products. The less your body has to process these external toxins, the more efficiently it can clear what's already there.

Navigating Your ELT Journey with Us

Your first ELT session is the beginning of a new chapter in your wellness journey. We want to make sure you know exactly what to expect and how ELT fits into the broader picture of holistic wellness.

When you arrive at Fernz Wellness for your first ELT session, you'll be greeted with warmth and compassion. We understand that trying something new, especially related to your health, can be overwhelming. Your comfort and understanding are our top priorities.

We'll discuss your health history, concerns, and goals. This conversation helps us tailor the session to your needs, ensuring you receive the most benefit.

During the ELT session, you'll lie comfortably while our therapist uses a handheld device to gently stimulate different areas of your lymphatic system. The process is non-invasive, painless, and quite relaxing—many of our clients find it a great time to meditate or simply enjoy a moment of peace.

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Fernz Wellness Los Angeles

Learn more about us here and contact us today to discover how our services can be a vital part of your journey to optimal health.

Our address is 5486 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90036 and you can also contact is by calling or texting us at (424) 281-9366.


Navigating the landscape of cellulite reduction and skin health enhancement is not always easy. With so many treatments available, each promising to diminish the appearance of cellulite and improve skin condition, it's essential to choose a method that aligns with a holistic view of health and well-being. Electro Lymphatic Therapy (ELT) stands out by offering a non-invasive, holistic approach that not only targets cellulite at its source but also promotes lymphatic health, underscoring the interconnectedness of our body's systems.

In this comprehensive exploration of ELT, from its principles to its practice, we've unveiled a guide to cellulite reduction that transcends traditional methods, offering hope and results for those on their journey to wellness. Whether you're at the beginning of your quest or seeking an alternative after exploring numerous treatments, ELT presents a compelling option, promising not just an improvement in the appearance of cellulite but a step towards lasting health and vitality.

We invite you to contact us with any questions and to book a session.


What can cause cellulite and why does it form?

Cellulite forms when fat deposits push through the connective tissue beneath the skin, primarily on the thighs and buttocks, leading to a dimpled appearance. Factors contributing to cellulite include hormonal changes, lifestyle, genetics, and diet.

Can ELT help get rid of cellulite?

Yes, Electro Lymphatic Therapy can help reduce the appearance of cellulite. By improving lymphatic drainage, ELT helps to remove toxins and excess fluids that contribute to cellulite, making the skin look smoother.

Is Electro Lymphatic Therapy an effective treatment for cellulite?

Electro Lymphatic Therapy is an effective treatment option for many people. It targets the lymphatic system to promote detoxification and reduce inflammation, which can significantly improve cellulite's appearance.

How does ELT compare to other cellulite reduction treatments?

Unlike invasive procedures or temporary solutions like creams, Electro Lymphatic Therapy offers a non-invasive, holistic approach. It addresses the root cause of cellulite by enhancing the body's natural detoxification process, which many find to be a more sustainable and effective treatment.

How many ELT sessions are needed to see improvements in cellulite?

The number of sessions varies by individual, but many people begin to see improvements after just a few treatments. Continuous sessions combined with a healthy lifestyle can lead to significant improvements in cellulite appearance.

Can lifestyle changes act as remedies for cellulite and enhance the effects of Electro Lymphatic Therapy?

Absolutely. A balanced diet, regular exercise, and staying hydrated support the lymphatic system and can enhance the results of Electro Lymphatic Therapy treatments for cellulite reduction.

Are there any areas of the body where ELT is particularly effective for cellulite?

Electro Lymphatic Therapy is especially effective on the thighs and buttocks, where cellulite commonly forms. However, it can be used on any area of the body where cellulite is present.

What can I expect during an Electro Lymphatic Therapy session for cellulite?

During an Electro Lymphatic Therapy session, you'll experience a gentle, relaxing treatment using a device that stimulates lymphatic flow. It's a pain-free, non-invasive treatment that typically lasts between 30 to 60 minutes.

Is there any downtime after an ELT treatment for cellulite?

No, there's no downtime required after Electro Lymphatic Therapy. You can resume your normal activities immediately, making it a convenient option for cellulite treatment.

How does ELT help with post-liposuction care and reduce cellulite?

ELT can significantly aid in the recovery process post-liposuction by reducing swelling and inflammation, which in turn can help minimize cellulite appearance as the body heals.

What other skin conditions can Electro Lymphatic Therapy help with, besides cellulite?

Electro Lymphatic Therapy can also improve skin health by reducing pigmentation, inflammation, acne, wrinkles, and fine lines, thanks to its detoxifying effects on the lymphatic system.

Can ELT prevent cellulite from developing?

While ELT cannot completely prevent cellulite, regular treatments can help maintain healthy lymphatic flow, which may reduce the risk of developing severe cellulite.

How soon after starting ELT treatments for cellulite can results be expected?

Some individuals notice improvements in the appearance of cellulite within a few 
sessions, but optimal results generally accumulate over time with consistent treatment.

Are ELT results for that aim to minimize cellulite permanent?

Results can be long-lasting, especially when combined with a healthy lifestyle. However, maintenance sessions may be beneficial to manage the appearance of cellulite over time.

See more FAQ’s here.


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