Integrating Colon Hydrotherapy into Your Wellness Routine

Learn about the potential health benefits of a colon cleanse and the benefits of integrating colon hydrotherapy into your wellness routine.

colo hydrotherapy

In this comprehensive guide, we'll dive into the transformative practice of colon hydrotherapy, often also called a "colonic". This ancient yet ever-evolving therapy offers more than just relief, it's a pathway to enhance your overall health by removing toxins and restoring balance within your body.

In today's world, fast food often replaces balanced meals and stress can be a constant companion so it's no surprise that digestive issues like bloating, constipation, and weight gain are on the rise. You’re experiencing the direct impact of our lifestyles on our gut health. Colon hydrotherapy, a practice that involves flushing out the colon with water, is not just an alternative to traditional medical procedures like a colonoscopy or a temporary fix like a laxative- it’s a holistic approach to improving health from the inside out.

Colon hydrotherapy offers an opportunity to cleanse, reset, and to give your body the one gift it craves the most – balance. This practice isn’t just about removing waste, it's also about introducing positive changes. Whether it's adjusting your diet, incorporating herbal powders and teas, or simply learning to listen to your body more attentively, the ripple effect of this therapy is profound.

We understand that for many, the idea of colon hydrotherapy might be new or even a bit intimidating. But we're here to demystify the process, and to guide you through each step! From the initial consultation to the post-therapy care, our team of experienced hydrotherapists is dedicated to making your experience comfortable, informative, and beneficial to your health.

Whether you're looking to address specific health concerns or simply seeking to improve your overall well-being, colon hydrotherapy might just be the answer you’ve been searching for. Join us on this journey of discovery and healing, as we explore how this ancient practice can be a pivotal part of your modern wellness routine.

Understanding Colon Hydrotherapy

Colon hydrotherapy, also known as colonic irrigation or simply a "colonic", is a procedure designed to flush out the colon - the largest organ in our digestive system. It involves the introduction of warm, filtered water into the colon via the rectum. This water circulates through the colon, dissolving and removing waste materials that have built up along the walls of the bowel.

The history of colon cleansing stretches back thousands of years, with roots in ancient practices. However, the modern version of colonic hydrotherapy we know today has evolved significantly, incorporating advancements in medical science and hygiene. Initially, these practices were designed to alleviate constipation and maintain digestive health, but over time, they have been embraced for a broader spectrum of health benefits.

Unlike an enema, which is a one-time infusion of water into the colon, colon hydrotherapy involves multiple infusions and is performed by certified hydrotherapists or colonic hygienists. These professionals gently guide water through your colon, not just relieving symptoms like constipation and diarrhea, but also fostering long-term colon health.

At the heart of colon hydrotherapy is the understanding that our digestive system, particularly the large intestine or colon, plays a pivotal role in our overall well-being. It's about acknowledging that what happens in our gut doesn’t just stay there. Issues like colitis, ulcerative colitis, and even general nausea are often signs of deeper imbalances that colon hydrotherapy can help address. The process itself is straightforward and respectful of your privacy. A small tube is gently inserted into the anus, through which water is infused into the colon. This infusion, which can involve up to 60 liters of water in one session, gently loosens and removes waste material, potentially impacted for years.

But why is this important? The colon is more than just a waste disposal system; it's a critical component of our digestive tract, extending from the small intestine to the anus. It's where our body absorbs water and nutrients from food waste and where it prepares for waste removal. When this system is out of balance, it can lead to a host of issues, including the aforementioned digestive problems, and even systemic issues like liver toxicity and aplastic anemia.

The Science Behind a Colon Cleanse

Understanding how colon hydrotherapy impacts our body requires a dive into the intricate workings of the digestive system. The colon, or large intestine, is a critical player in our gastrointestinal tract, responsible for absorbing water and minerals from food waste, and then expelling the remaining waste from the body. It's a sophisticated system where a delicate balance is maintained.

During a colon cleanse, water is inserted into the rectum using a small tube. This process, performed by trained therapists or hygienists, ensures comfort and safety. The water circulates through the colon, loosening and dissolving accumulated fecal matter, toxins, and bacteria. This process can help to keep your colon healthy and prevent health problems.

Over time, our colon accumulates toxic waste due to factors like diet, lack of enough exercise, and dehydration. These toxins can lead to a variety of health issues, ranging from bloat and constipation to more serious conditions like colon cancer and irritable bowel syndrome.

It's important to understand that colon hydrotherapy isn't just about flushing out waste. It also plays a role in rebalancing the intestinal flora. The bowel hosts a complex community of bacteria – some beneficial and some potentially harmful. By removing buildup and waste, colon hydrotherapy can foster a healthier environment for beneficial bacteria to thrive, which is essential for a robust digestive system.

Colon hydrotherapy is often associated with colon cleansing, yet it’s important to differentiate between the two. While both involve cleansing the colon, hydrotherapy is a specific procedure performed by a practitioner using specialized equipment. This procedure typically uses disposable equipment to ensure hygiene and prevent any health risks such as bowel perforation or kidney failure, which are extremely rare but potential complications of improper colon cleansing practices.

As a professional in the field, I’ve witnessed numerous health benefits in my clients following colon hydrotherapy sessions. These range from improved digestive function to a general feeling of wellness. However, it's crucial to approach this therapy with realistic expectations. It is a complementary health practice, part of a larger wellness routine that also includes a healthy diet, regular exercise, and stress management.

A Colon Cleanse Can Help Remove Toxins From Your Body 

A colon cleanse, an integral component of colon hydrotherapy, plays a crucial role in removing toxins from your body. This process involves the gentle flushing of the colon with water, which helps in dislodging and eliminating accumulated waste and toxins that can adversely affect your health. Over time, the buildup of these substances in the colon can lead to a variety of health issues, including bloating, constipation, and even a decrease in energy levels.

By removing these toxins, a colon cleanse not only improves colon health but also supports the body's overall detoxification processes. The liver, kidneys, and lymphatic system, crucial organs in the body's natural detox mechanism, function more effectively when the colon is clear of excessive waste. This symbiotic relationship enhances the body's ability to maintain balance and health. 

Debunking Myths Around Colon Hydrotherapy

There's no shortage of myths and misconceptions floating around! As a practitioner with years of experience in the field, I've heard them all. From fears about safety to misunderstandings about its benefits, let's set the record straight.

First of all, many people think that colon hydrotherapy is a harsh or painful procedure. This couldn't be further from the truth. At our clinic, we use state-of-the-art equipment and ensure that the entire process is as gentle and comfortable as possible. The water used is carefully temperature-controlled and introduced slowly into the colon. Clients often report a feeling of relief and lightness post-session, rather than discomfort.

Another common myth is that colon hydrotherapy can be habit-forming or that it disrupts the natural bowel movements. Again, this is not accurate. Our goal is to aid the body's natural detoxification process, not replace or disrupt it. Regular colon hydrotherapy sessions can actually help to tone and improve the natural function of the bowel, leading to more regular and healthy bowel movements.

The idea that colon hydrotherapy is only for people with digestive issues like constipation is also a misconception. While it is indeed beneficial for those with digestive problems, its advantages extend much further. Clients who come in for colon hydrotherapy often report improvements in overall energy levels, skin clarity, and event feeling better and more clear mentally.

A Tool For Better Colon Health, Not a Cure

It is however important to understand that colon hydrotherapy is not a cure-all. It's a complementary practice that, when integrated into a holistic wellness routine, can offer numerous health benefits. In our clinic, we emphasize that colon hydrotherapy is a tool to enhance wellbeing, not a standalone solution to health problems.

Personal Journey: Discovering Colon Hydrotherapy

My journey into the world of colon hydrotherapy started with a personal health challenge. In my early twenties, I underwent gallbladder removal, a surgery that, unknown to me at the time, would significantly impact my digestive health. Post-surgery, I was advised to eat normally, without any specific dietary guidelines. This led to years of weight fluctuations and digestive issues, a common aftermath for many who have undergone this procedure.

As I navigated these challenges, my path led me from health coaching to a deeper exploration of holistic health practices. It was during this time that I discovered colon hydrotherapy. As a health coach, I had always believed in the power of the body to heal itself, given the right tools and environment. When I first experienced colon hydrotherapy, I was amazed at the difference it made to my own health. It wasn't just a quick fix, it was a profound experience that actually improved my digestive function and overall well-being.

The Holistic Approach: Combining Colon Hydrotherapy with Other Practices

At our clinic, we firmly believe in the synergy of holistic health practices. Colon hydrotherapy, while powerful on its own, can be even more effective when combined with other natural health modalities. This integrative approach not only enhances the benefits of each individual treatment but also contributes to overall wellness and vitality.

Dietary Adjustments: We advocate for a diet rich in fibers, probiotics, and hydration to support and enhance the effects of colon hydrotherapy. A balanced diet plays a crucial role in maintaining colon health and maximizing the benefits of the cleanse.

Herbal Supplements: Incorporating herbal supplements can be beneficial in supporting the digestive system. These supplements, often in the form of teas or capsules, can aid in digestion and detoxification processes, complementing the cleansing effects of colon hydrotherapy.

Physical Activity: Regular exercise is vital for maintaining healthy bowel function. Activities like yoga and pilates, which focus on core strength, can be particularly beneficial in supporting the digestive system and enhancing the effects of colon cleansing.

Stress Management Techniques: Practices such as meditation and mindfulness can significantly impact digestive health. Stress is known to negatively affect gut health, so incorporating stress-reducing techniques can help in creating a conducive environment for colon hydrotherapy to work effectively.

Hydration: Drinking plenty of water is essential, especially after a colon cleanse. It helps to replenish fluids and supports the body in flushing out toxins.

Our Clinic's Integrated Approach

At our clinic, we offer a unique package that combines colon hydrotherapy with electro lymphatic drainage - we call it our "Reset Package." This combination is designed to maximize the cleansing and rejuvenating effects on the body.

Colon Hydrotherapy: As we've discussed, this treatment focuses on cleansing the colon, aiding in the removal of waste and toxins, and improving overall digestive health.

Electro Lymphatic Drainage: ELT complements colon hydrotherapy by stimulating the lymphatic system. It helps in reducing bloat, improving immune function, and enhancing the body’s natural detoxification processes.

The combination of these two therapies provides a comprehensive approach to cleansing and rejuvenation. The colon hydrotherapy works to cleanse the digestive tract, while the lymphatic drainage can support the body's natural detox pathways.

Experience the Benefits Yourself at Fernz Wellness

We invite you to experience the transformative effects of our holistic treatments. Whether you're new to colon hydrotherapy or looking to enhance your wellness routine, our Reset Package offers a comprehensive approach to health and well-being. Book an appointment with us at Fernz Wellness and embark on a journey towards a healthier, more vibrant you. Our experienced team is dedicated to guiding you through every step of the process, ensuring a comfortable and beneficial experience.

What to Expect During a Colonic Irrigation or Colonic Hydrotherapy Session

If you're considering colon hydrotherapy for the first time, it's natural to have questions and maybe even a few nerves about the process. Let me walk you through what a typical session at our clinic looks like, so you know exactly what to expect.

Arrival and Consultation: When you arrive at our clinic, you'll be greeted by a friendly face. We start with a consultation to discuss your health history, concerns, and goals. This is a judgment-free zone, so feel free to share openly.

Preparation: You'll be shown to a private room where you can change into a gown. We prioritize your privacy and comfort throughout the session.

The Equipment: Our clinic uses state-of-the-art, hygienic equipment (the Libbe system). You'll see a comfortable treatment bed and the colon hydrotherapy machine, which uses disposable tubes and speculums for each session. Rest assured, cleanliness and safety are our top priorities.

The Session Begins: As you lie comfortably on the bed, a small, lubricated tube is gently inserted into the rectum. This might sound daunting, but it's typically painless and less uncomfortable than you might expect. Many clients are surprised at how straightforward it is.

The Cleansing Process: Warm, filtered water will then be slowly introduced into your colon. You might feel a sensation of fullness, but it shouldn’t be painful. The water will be released along with the waste matter from the colon, and this process will be repeated several times during the session.

Monitoring and Support: Throughout the session, your therapist will be with you, monitoring the process and ensuring your comfort.

Completion and Aftercare: After the session, which typically lasts about 45 to 60 minutes, you'll have time to use the restroom. Then, you can dress and relax in our recovery area.

Reasons Why Modern Lifestyles Need Colon Hydrotherapy 

Processed Foods: The average diet today is high in processed foods, which are often lacking in fiber and nutrients necessary for healthy digestion. This can lead to constipation and other digestive issues, making colon hydrotherapy a beneficial practice for cleansing and restoring bowel health.

Stress: Chronic stress can have a significant impact on gut health. It can disrupt the balance of gut bacteria and lead to issues like IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) and bloating. Colon hydrotherapy can aid in managing these symptoms by helping to cleanse the digestive tract and promote relaxation.

Environmental Toxins: We're exposed to various toxins daily, from pollutants in the air to chemicals in our food and water. These toxins can accumulate in our colon, potentially leading to health problems. Colon hydrotherapy helps in flushing out these toxins, contributing to overall health and wellness.

Sedentary Lifestyle: With more people leading sedentary lives, bowel movements can become irregular. Regular colon hydrotherapy sessions can help stimulate the muscles of the colon, promoting regularity.

Working Alongside Traditional Medicine

We strongly believe in the harmonious integration of Western and holistic medicine. Both approaches have unique strengths, and when combined, they can provide a more comprehensive path to health and wellness.

Our Stance on Integration

Complementary Practices: We view colon hydrotherapy and other holistic practices as complementary to traditional medical treatments. They are not meant to replace medical care but to enhance it, offering additional pathways to health.

Whole-Person Approach: Holistic practices like colon hydrotherapy consider the whole person — body, mind, and spirit — in the pursuit of optimal health and wellness. This approach aligns well with the more symptom-focused approach of Western medicine, providing a balanced perspective.

Preventive Health: While traditional medicine is often focused on treating illness, holistic practices, including colon hydrotherapy, place a strong emphasis on preventive care. This proactive approach to health can work hand-in-hand with conventional medical practices to prevent and alleviate various health issues.

Empowering Self-Care: Taking Charge of Your Gut Health

Encouraging proactive self-care is at the heart of what we do. While therapies like colon hydrotherapy can provide significant benefits, maintaining gut health is an ongoing journey that extends beyond our clinic.


As we conclude this exploration into the world of colon hydrotherapy, it's clear that this practice is more than just a procedure- it's a stepping stone towards a more balanced and healthier life. The journey through colon hydrotherapy, from understanding its roots and process to witnessing its integration with other holistic and medical practices, underscores its value not only as a wellness tool but also as a pathway to deeper self-care and awareness. Whether you're navigating digestive challenges, seeking to enhance your overall health, or simply curious about alternative wellness practices, colon hydrotherapy offers a unique and enriching experience.

Remember, taking charge of your health is one of the most empowering steps you can take in life. Our bodies are incredible machines, capable of remarkable feats when given the right care and attention. At our clinic, we're not just hydrotherapists; we're your partners on this journey to wellness. We invite you to reach out, ask questions, and take that first step towards a healthier, more vibrant you. After all, the path to wellness is not just about the destination, it's about discovering a more harmonious and balanced way of living, one step at a time.


What is colon hydrotherapy?

Colon hydrotherapy, also known as colonic irrigation or a colonic, is a targeted process that helps to clear out accumulated waste material, which can include undigested food, bacteria, and other substances. This can lead to colon health problems if not addressed. By cleansing the colon, we assist the body's natural waste removal processes and can help to keep your colon healthy.

How should I prepare for a colon hydrotherapy session?

Eat light meals, stay hydrated, and avoid alcohol and heavy foods for at least 24 hours before the session.

What can I expect during a colon hydrotherapy session?

The procedure involves the gentle infusion of water into the colon via the rectum. Clients might feel a sensation of fullness, but the process is generally comfortable.

Are there any side effects of colon hydrotherapy?

Some people might experience mild cramping or bloating during the procedure, but these symptoms usually subside quickly.

Can colon hydrotherapy cure digestive diseases like colitis or IBS?

While it can alleviate symptoms associated with these conditions, it is not a cure. It should be part of a comprehensive treatment plan.

How often should I get colon hydrotherapy?

The frequency depends on individual health goals and conditions. It's best to consult with a hydrotherapist for personalized advice.

Can anyone undergo colon hydrotherapy?

Most adults can, but it's not suitable for people with certain health conditions. It's important to consult with a healthcare provider first.

What dietary changes should I make after colon hydrotherapy?

Post-session, focus on a diet rich in fibers, fruits, vegetables, and hydration to maintain digestive health.

How does colon hydrotherapy fit into a holistic health approach?

It complements other wellness practices like a balanced diet, regular exercise, and stress management for overall health.

Where can I get colon hydrotherapy?

Colon hydrotherapy is offered at specialized wellness clinics and some medical facilities, ensuring the facility uses certified professionals and hygienic practices. For those in the Los Angeles area, we invite you to visit Fernz Wellness, where our team of experienced and certified hydrotherapists will guide you through your colon hydrotherapy session. Reach out to us at Fernz Wellness today to schedule your appointment!

See more FAQ's here. 

Additional Resources

Colon Cleanse FAQs: Risks, Benefits & More | Cedars-Sinai - A comprehensive overview of colon cleansing, including how it's done and potential risks.

Colon cleansing: Is it helpful or harmful? - Mayo Clinic - Expert insights from the Mayo Clinic on the effectiveness and safety of colon cleansing.

How Often Should You Cleanse Your Colon In 2023? - - Discusses the frequency of colon cleansing and safety tips.

13 Pros and Cons of Colon Cleansing - HRF - Health and Medical Blog - A balanced look at the benefits and drawbacks of colon cleansing.

The Surprising Truth about Colon Cleansing - Natren, Inc. - An article addressing the scientific support and risks associated with colon cleansing.

Natural Colon Cleanse: A Gentle Path to Better Health - Information on natural colon cleansing methods including dietary changes and herbal remedies.

The Advantages of Regular Colon Cleansing – Medisential - Offers insights into the benefits of regular colon cleansing for digestive health.

Colon cleansing: Is it helpful or harmful? | NCH Healthcare System - Details potential side effects and concerns associated with colon cleansing.

Colon Cleanse: What You Need to Know - Healthline - Provides an overview of the perceived benefits of colon cleansing.

Natural Colon Cleanse: Benefits, Types, Effectiveness, and Risks - Discusses different types of natural colon cleanses and their effectiveness.


Understanding the Mind-Body Connection in Holistic Healing [Comprehensive Guide]


Top 10 Health and Wellness Benefits of Colon Cleansing [Ultimate Beginner's Guide]