Colon Cleansing for Beginners: How to Prepare and What to Expect [Complete Guide]

See our full guide on colon cleansing for beginners. This is a complete guide on colonic hydrotherapy also known as colonic irrigation.

If you're exploring the world of colon cleansing, you might be curious about colon hydrotherapy. This method uses water to cleanse the colon, offering a natural alternative to various colon-cleansing products and supplements. Our approach to colon cleansing, or colon hydrotherapy, involves a gentle flushing of the colon to remove waste and toxins from your body. It's a process that requires careful consideration, especially since complications like bowel perforation, though rare, are risks associated with improper techniques.

Our clinic follows a holistic approach, we understand that terms like 'bowel cleansing' and 'colon-cleansing' can be overwhelming. That's why we’re here to provide clear, reliable information and debunk common myths, drawing on our expertise as colonic hydrotherapists and our experience with natural colon cleanse methods, including fruit and vegetable juice cleanses and the use of lemon juice.

It's essential to note that while many seek to detox and improve health through diets and cleanses, including popular colon cleanse products, professional advice is crucial. Every individual’s body reacts differently to these treatments. As we guide you through the world of colon health, remember, this journey is about embracing a lifestyle that prioritizes digestive health and overall well-being. Let's explore ways to improve your health, and discovering how holistic healing practices can enrich your life.

Understanding Colon Cleansing

If you're new to this concept, you might be wondering what it actually involves. Essentially, colon cleansing is a practice aimed at cleansing your body and improving digestive health

Detoxification, or the removal of waste and toxins, is a concept rooted in the theory of autointoxication, which suggests that accumulated waste products in the colon can lead to health issues. While the scientific community continues to debate this theory, there's growing interest in how dietary changes, supplements used for colon cleanse products, and colon-cleansing practices may help prevent constipation and possibly reduce the risk of cancer.

Think of it as a "reset" button for your digestive system.

And yes, there are several ways to cleanse your colon, let's talk abut the most common methods: colon hydrotherapy, supplements, and diet changes. 

Colon Hydrotherapy

Also known as colonic irrigation or colonic hydrotherapy, this method is like a deep clean for your colon. It involves flushing the colon with fluids to remove waste. It's a bit like an enema, but it goes further to cleanse the entire colon. We often recommend colon hydrotherapy for those suffering from constipation or irregular bowel movements. It's a procedure we perform right here in our clinic, ensuring your comfort and safety throughout.


Then there's the route of taking supplements. These could be laxatives, teas, or other products like apple cider vinegar or fiber supplements. They work by stimulating your bowels to promote bowel movements. It’s essential to talk with your doctor before starting any supplement, especially if you have health conditions like irritable bowel syndrome or are preparing for a medical procedure like a colonoscopy.

Dietary Changes

Dietary changes for colon cleansing focus on increasing your water intake and consuming foods rich in resistant starch, probiotics, and fiber. These foods aid in detoxification and promote regular bowel movements. Think fermented foods, fruits, vegetables, and plenty of water. It's a more gradual approach but can be quite effective for long-term colon health. See our article on improving your gut health with 10 top foods for a healthy gut.

From improving digestive health to potentially reducing the risk of colon cancer, the benefits of colon cleansing are worth exploring. But remember, it's not a one-size-fits-all solution. Personal experience and professional guidance play a huge role in finding what works best for you.

Myths and Facts About Colon Cleansing

When it comes to colon cleansing, there's a lot of information out there, and not all of it is accurate. As experts in the field, we're here to separate fact from fiction. Let's break down some common myths and present the facts, backed by scientific perspectives and our professional experiences.

Myth: Colon Cleansing is Primarily for Detoxification

Fact: While many believe colon cleansing mainly removes toxins from the colon, its primary function is to aid in alleviating constipation and improving bowel function. The concept of detoxification is more holistic and involves various bodily systems. According to a study by the National Institutes of Health, colon cleansing can help improve bowel regularity but doesn't necessarily 'detoxify', it's a cleanse.

Myth: Colon Cleansing is Uncomfortable and Painful

Fact: Many first-timers are understandably nervous about discomfort. However, when performed by trained professionals, colon cleansing is generally gentle. We ensure our clients are relaxed and informed throughout the process. Discomfort, if any, is usually minimal.

Myth: It's Easy to DIY a Safe and Effective Colon Cleanse at Home

Fact: While home remedies like dietary changes, increased water intake, and certain supplements can support colon health, DIY colon cleansing methods (like homemade enemas or unverified cleansing products) can be risky. For instance, using water that's too hot or cold, or improperly sterilized equipment, can cause harm.

At our clinic, we believe in making informed choices based on both scientific evidence and personal health considerations. We emphasize the importance of safe colon cleansing, adhering to strict sourcing guidelines and protocols developed in conjunction with academic research institutions. This is crucial, as the large intestine plays a vital role in our overall health, and any treatment involving it, including colonoscopy preparation, should be approached with knowledge and caution.

Contact us with any questions you may have, we're here to discuss your concerns and guide you towards the best choices for your unique health journey. 

Preparing for Your First Colon Cleanse

Dietary Adjustments

In the days leading up to your colon cleanse, you'll want to make some dietary adjustments. This usually means eating lighter meals and focusing on foods that are easy to digest. We recommend a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Avoiding heavy, processed, or fried foods is crucial as they can hinder the cleansing process. It's also a good idea to reduce meat and dairy intake as they can contribute to constipation and slow down the cleansing process.


Drinking plenty of water is another essential aspect of preparation. Proper hydration helps soften stool, making the cleansing process smoother and more effective. Aim for at least 8-10 glasses of water per day. You might also consider herbal teas that promote digestive health. 

At Fernz Wellness, we've observed that clients who follow these preparatory steps tend to have more comfortable and effective cleansing sessions. Preparation is not just about the physical aspect, it's about setting the stage for a successful cleanse. We encourage our clients to view this preparation phase as an integral part of the entire cleansing journey, one that starts well before you step into our clinic.

What to Expect During the Procedure

Our focus on privacy and your well-being is paramount, ensuring a stress-free experience from beginning to end.

Step 1: Arrival and Comfort

When you arrive, we'll welcome you into a calming, private space. It's important to us that you feel relaxed and secure. You'll be given a robe and have a chance to use the restroom before we begin. We understand the importance of privacy and comfort, so we make sure every detail is attended to.

Step 2: The Setup

Before we begin, we'll introduce you to the LIBBE open system, highlighting its user-friendly design and the steps of the procedure. The system uses a small, lubricated, and disposable nozzle to ensure utmost hygiene and minimal discomfort. You'll be lying down on a comfortable, specially designed bed that allows you to control some aspects of the session, reinforcing our commitment to your autonomy and comfort throughout the process.

Step 3: The Cleansing Process

The cleansing starts with you gently positioning the nozzle yourself, to ensure your comfort. The sensation might be unfamiliar at first, but it is generally not painful. Warm, filtered water will then flow into your colon, controlled entirely by the system—and you, to some degree. You may feel a sense of fullness or mild cramping, akin to the natural urge to move your bowels, indicating that the cleansing is effectively underway.

Step 4: Release and Rinse

The release phase is a natural part of the process. The system allows for an immediate and discreet release of water and waste. This cycle of gentle filling and releasing will be repeated throughout your session, facilitating a comprehensive cleanse in a dignified manner.

Step 5: Completion and Rest

After the session concludes, you'll have time to relax and acclimate before moving to the restroom at your leisure. It's normal to pass additional water and waste shortly after the session, so we encourage you to take your time. Hydration and a gradual return to your daily activities are recommended as you enjoy the refreshed feeling that comes from a thorough colon cleanse.

Our dedicated team is here to guide you through every step of your colon hydrotherapy session, ensuring a safe and comfortable experience. See our Beginner’s guide on benefits of colon cleansing here.

Post-Procedure Care and Tips

After your colon cleansing session, taking care of yourself is important. Here are some guidelines for immediate post-procedure care and how to maintain the results:

Hydration: Drink plenty of water after your session. This helps to replenish fluids and assists in flushing out any remaining waste.

Diet: For the next few days, focus on light, easily digestible foods. Soups, steamed vegetables, and fruits are great choices. Gradually reintroduce more solid foods as your body adjusts.

Rest: Listen to your body. If you feel tired after the session, take it easy. Some people feel rejuvenated, while others might need a bit more rest.

Avoid Heavy Exercise: Give your body a break for a day or two from intense physical activity. Gentle walks or light stretching can be beneficial.

Mindful Eating: Pay attention to how foods affect your digestion post-cleanse. This is an excellent opportunity to identify foods that support your digestive health.

Monitoring Your Body's Response

Understanding and responding to your body’s signals post-cleanse is crucial. Here's what to look out for:

Digestive Changes: It's common to notice changes in your digestion. Some experience more regular bowel movements, while others might need a day or two to return to normal.

Physical Sensations: Mild abdominal discomfort is normal but should be temporary. If you experience significant or prolonged pain, contact your healthcare provider.

Emotional Responses: Believe it or not, cleansing can sometimes trigger emotional responses. It's a process of release, not just physically, but potentially emotionally too.
 See more on the gut-brain connection.

From our clinic’s experience, most clients report feeling lighter and more energetic after a colon cleanse. However, each person’s journey is unique. Remember, we're here to support you every step of the way, from preparing for your first cleanse to maintaining your colon health in the long term.

Potential Long-Term Health Benefits

Improved Digestive Function: Regular colon cleansing, when done appropriately, can lead to improved bowel regularity and digestive efficiency.

Enhanced Energy Levels: Many of our clients report feeling more energetic and vibrant as their digestive health improves.

Better Nutrient Absorption: A clean and healthy colon more effectively absorbs nutrients, which can have a positive impact on your overall health.

Weight Management Support: While not a weight loss solution, effective colon cleansing can be a part of a balanced approach to weight management.

Reduced Bloating and Discomfort: A well-maintained colon can mean less bloating and digestive discomfort.

Integrating Holistic Practices

Colon cleansing is just one aspect of a holistic approach to health. Combining it with other practices can enhance its benefits and contribute to your overall well-being.

Yoga and Meditation: These practices can reduce stress, which is often linked to digestive issues.

Herbal Supplements: Certain herbs and supplements, when used under the guidance of a professional, can support digestive health.

Acupuncture: Some find acupuncture helpful in managing digestive symptoms and improving overall health.

Mindfulness and Stress Reduction: Managing stress is key to maintaining digestive health, as stress can directly impact your gut.

Our Clinic's Philosophy and Approach

At our colon hydrotherapy clinic in Los Angeles, we believe in a holistic approach to health. We see the body as an interconnected system, where each part needs to work harmoniously with the others. Our methods are grounded in natural health principles, focusing on supporting the body's inherent healing abilities. We combine modern techniques with traditional wisdom to provide care that is both effective and respectful of the body's natural processes. See more about the LIBBE Open System Colon Hydrotherapy here.

Whether you’re curious about starting colon cleansing or have specific health concerns, our doors (and ears) are always open. Our commitment is to provide you with not just a service, but a partnership in your journey to better health.

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Fernz Wellness - Los Angeles Colonics

Learn more about us here and contact us today to discover how our services can be a vital part of your journey to optimal health. Our address is 5486 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90036 and you can also contact is by calling or texting us at (424) 281-9366.


In conclusion, colon cleansing, or as it's sometimes called, a colonic, is more than just a procedure, it's a step towards a more mindful and health-focused lifestyle. Throughout this article, we’ve covered the nuances of colon health, exploring everything from the initial steps of bowel cleansing to the intricacies of maintaining a healthy intestinal environment. We've uncovered how nurturing your colon naturally can lead to improved overall well-being and why certain practices like colon hydrotherapy now more popular than ever.

We've also discussed how colon cleansing can be a part of treating bowel syndrome with novel and integrative approaches and how simple habits, like increasing your water intake, are often said by some to help significantly. 

Feel free to contact us with any questions and to book a session with us at Fernz Wellness.


How to Find the Best Colon Hydrotherapist for Your Needs in Los Angeles


Exploring The LIBBE Open System - Colon Hydrotherapy