Exploring The LIBBE Open System - Colon Hydrotherapy

Explore the benefits of the LIBBE Open System Colon Hydrotherapy with this comprehensive guide. Discover how this gentle colonic system can help detox and improve bowel health.

The LIBBE open system is considered a leap forward in colon health, an innovative approach to colon irrigation that offers a treatment that is far more comfortable and user-friendly than the closed system. As an Open System I-ACT LIBBE Trained Colon Hydrotherapist, I'm here to share not just the ins and outs of this transformative wellness practice but also insights from our clinic's experiences. 

What is LIBBE Open System Colon Hydrotherapy?

The LIBBE system stands out for its open system approach, which prioritizes your autonomy, privacy, and comfort. Imagine a method that allows you to be in control, in a setting that feels more like a spa than a medical facility. That's the LIBBE Open System for you! It's not just about cleansing, it's about providing a serene, empowering experience that respects your dignity every step of the way.

Open System vs. Closed System: Understanding the Difference

To appreciate what makes the LIBBE system so special, it helps to understand the difference between open and closed colon hydrotherapy systems.

Closed system colon hydrotherapy, often regarded as the more traditional route, involves a therapist controlling the flow of water into and out of the colon through a tube. This system is characterized by its direct involvement of a therapist throughout the session, where the water is instilled gently into the colon under controlled pressure, and waste is evacuated through the same tube. It's a method that has served many, offering a thorough cleaning out the colon, but it's not without its limitations, especially in terms of privacy and personal comfort.

On the other hand, the LIBBE open system allows you, the client, to control the insertion and the flow of water, with the waste being expelled naturally, without the constant presence of a therapist. From the soothing flow of filtered water used to lubricate and cleanse, to the odorless, disposable devices that ensure hygiene and safety, this method offers a level of privacy and comfort that many find more appealing. This is the system that we use here at Fernz Wellness in Los Angeles.

Clients have reported feeling rejuvenated, lighter, and more vibrant post-treatment, underscoring the system's effectiveness and the profound impact it can have on health and wellness. 

The Specially Designed Bed in the LIBBE System

Perhaps one of the most thoughtful features is the specially designed LIBBE bed. It's not only comfortable but allows you to easily insert the rectal tube yourself, in complete privacy. This pencil-thin tube is not only easy to insert but ensures that your experience is as clean and comfortable as possible. This bed also positions you perfectly to feel the natural urge to evacuate when necessary, allowing for a gentle release. The design of the bed, coupled with the open system's approach, truly sets LIBBE apart, providing an experience that many describe as surprisingly comfortable and extremely private.

One of the key factors our clients appreciate is the LIBBE system's ability to provide an excellent workout for the colon, thanks to the natural peristalsis (muscle contractions) encouraged by the water flow. This not only helps in cleansing the colon but also strengthens these muscles over time, promoting better bowel health.

In sharing these details, my aim is to demystify what LIBBE Open System Colon Hydrotherapy is all about and to highlight the thoughtful, client-centered approach that defines our practice. It's about more than just the physical benefits, it's a holistic experience that respects your body, your privacy, and your journey to wellness. 

Tips on Getting the Most Out of Your Session

Hydration is key before and after your session. Drinking plenty of water helps prepare your body and supports the cleansing process.

Relaxation is crucial. The more relaxed you are, the more effective the session. At Fernz Wellness we create a spa-like atmosphere to help you find a state of calm.

Communication with your therapist can greatly improve your experience. Although the open system allows for privacy, we're here to support you every step of the way.

Colonics for Overall Health Maintenance

Colonics, or colon hydrotherapy, is more than just a method for cleaning out the colon. It's a wellness practice that supports the body's natural detoxification processes, helping to eliminate toxins that can accumulate due to diet, lifestyle, and environmental factors. A regular colon cleanse can lead to improved bowel regularity, reduced bloating, and a decrease in digestive discomfort. But the benefits don't stop at digestive health, they extend to better skin health, more energy, and an overall sense of well-being.

See my article on the gut-brain connection here.

The "Rolls Royce" of Colon Hydrotherapy vs other Hydrotherapy Systems

Calling the LIBBE system the "Rolls Royce" of colon hydrotherapy speaks volumes to the quality, design, and effectiveness of the system. Our clients frequently express appreciation for the autonomy the LIBBE system affords them. Being able to control the insertion of the pencil-thin tube and manage the pace of their session empowers them to listen to their bodies and respond to its needs in real-time. This sense of control, coupled with the system's design for comfort, makes the LIBBE experience not just a therapeutic session but a practice in self-care and body awareness.

Addressing Common Queries About Colon Hydrotherapy with the LIBBE System

Is colon hydrotherapy uncomfortable?

The LIBBE system is designed with your comfort in mind. Most clients report feeling a deep sense of relief and lightness following their session.

How often should I have a session?

The frequency of sessions varies based on individual health goals and conditions. Some may benefit from a series of sessions close together to kick-start their wellness journey, while others may opt for regular maintenance sessions. We recommend discussing your health history and goals with a certified colon hydrotherapist to create a personalized plan.

Can the LIBBE colon hydrotherapy open system help with weight loss?

While colon hydrotherapy can result in the immediate loss of waste, it's not a weight loss solution. However, many clients find that regular sessions, as part of a holistic approach to wellness, can support their weight loss journey by improving digestion and detoxification.

Is colon hydrotherapy safe?

Yes, when performed by a Open System I-ACT LIBBE Trained Colon Hydrotherapist, colon hydrotherapy is safe. The colon hydrotherapy LIBBE device is FDA-registered, and the process is non-invasive, using purified water to gently cleanse the colon.

Will I experience any side effects?

Most clients leave their colonic irrigation libbe open system session feeling refreshed and energized. However, it's not uncommon to experience mild cramping during the session as the colon contracts to expel waste. Any discomfort typically subsides quickly during the evacuation process.

How to Know if LIBBE Colon Hydrotherapy is Right for You

If you're seeking a natural method to support digestive health, detoxification, and overall well-being, LIBBE colon hydrotherapy might be an excellent choice. It's particularly beneficial for those dealing with bloating, constipation, and other digestive issues. However, it's always best to consult with a healthcare provider, especially if you have a specific medical condition, to ensure that colon hydrotherapy is a suitable option for you.

The Importance of Working with Licensed Medical Practitioners and Certified Colon Hydrotherapists

To ensure the highest level of care and safety, it's crucial to seek treatment from licensed medical practitioners and certified colon hydrotherapists. These professionals have undergone extensive training to provide safe, effective treatments using the LIBBE system. Their expertise not only ensures a positive experience but also allows for personalized care tailored to your health needs and wellness goals.

See my guide on the best wellness center for colon hydrotherpy in Los Angeles.

How LIBBE Can Support Individuals with Specific Wellness Objectives

Whether your aim is to boost energy levels, enhance nutrient absorption, or simply foster a deeper sense of well-being, LIBBE colon hydrotherapy can be a pivotal part of achieving those goals. The gentle cleansing process helps to eliminate toxins and waste, reduce bloating, and support the natural detoxification processes of the colon. This can lead to improved gut health, which is often the cornerstone of achieving broader health and wellness objectives.

The Role of LIBBE in Preparing for a Colonoscopy

Preparation for a colonoscopy typically involves a bowel cleanse to ensure a clear view for examination. The LIBBE system offers a gentle, effective alternative to the traditional oral laxatives, which can be harsh and uncomfortable. By using purified water to cleanse the colon, LIBBE can help prepare the bowel for a colonoscopy, potentially with less discomfort and in a more controlled and dignified manner. This approach not only supports the effectiveness of the colonoscopy by ensuring a thorough cleanse but also enhances the comfort of the preparatory process.

See Top 10 Benefits of a Colon Cleansing here.

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Fernz Wellness - Los Angeles Colon Hydrotherapy

If you're in Los Angeles and considering colon hydrotherapy, or if you have any questions about our sessions, feel free to contact us and learn more about our services. We're here to provide you with the information and support you need to make an informed decision. Our address is 5486 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90036 and you can also contact is by calling or texting us at (424) 281-9366.


In exploring the depths of the LIBBE open system colon hydrotherapy, we've navigated through its many benefits, from providing a more comfortable and dignified experience to enhancing the body's natural detoxification processes. The shift from closed to open systems represents a significant advancement in the field of colon health, offering an approach that is not only medically indicated but also aligned with a more holistic view of wellness.

The advantages of the LIBBE system extend beyond the immediate benefits of colon cleansing, supporting long-term health and well-being. With its focus on safety, comfort, and effectiveness, it's no wonder that more individuals are choosing LIBBE for their colonic irrigation needs. As we move forward, embracing the principles of personal hygiene, water purification, and attentive self-care, the LIBBE open system remains a cornerstone of modern wellness practices, celebrated by therapists and clients alike for its unparalleled ability to cleanse, rebalance, and restore.

We invite you to contact us with any questions and to book a session with us at Fernz Wellness.


Colon Cleansing for Beginners: How to Prepare and What to Expect [Complete Guide]


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